And Then
And Then The European influence attacks Africans based primary on color. This position encompasses Race within the values, customs,...
The Flavor, Essential Character of All Systems
The flavor, essential character of “all” systems are suffused with their own social, religious, political and economical influences...
90 Years
90 years as a melanated African adolescent and Man living and observing Colonial Western European Anglo White racial/supremacy...
L I G H T Every day people sing a simple song, look for the light. “Thou art the light, let the light shine”. “This little light of mine...
The Great Psychological Crime
The Great Psychological Crime A crime against the intelligent soul of human kind is to *deprived* it of any of the inalienable rights,...
To Me and For Me
To me and for me. This philosophy informs my life and my relationship to others. I am Black in attitude I am Black in behavior I am Black...
The Easy Way
The Easy Way* Belief systems are principles that guide people through their every day lives. Thoughts, ideas and concepts that follow the...
Physician Heal Thyself
Physician Heal Thy Self* The Peace of God is at the center of my being. I am conscious of this peace. I enter into this peace. I am...
To Me and For Me
To me and for me. This philosophy informs my life and my relationship to others. I am Black in attitude I am Black in behavior I am Black...
Speech Is it not true
A rhetorical question, “Is this still true”? James Baldwin was ‘specific’! Is there a need to repeat that which was articulated? It is...