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90 Years


90 years as a melanated African adolescent and Man living and observing Colonial Western European Anglo White racial/supremacy experiences, compels Me to examine the dynamics of rejection, deemed a deviant and often ostracized. I accept and acknowledge the fact of my African Self Being intuitively. I have developed the cognitive strength to function within that Identity.

I am Black in behavior. I am Back in attitude. I am black in belief and thought and I am African and Spirit. I strive to Be, I must have purpose beyond Self. A mandatory decision for Me is to determine My relationship to this experience.

Bound by the ties of common humanity and human supplication with tears for deliverance we continue to seek human acknowledgment. The oppressive exposure is not fading, our grievances are many, no cruelty is too great, no villainy and murder too abhorrent for even the enlightened ones; calling themselves Christians, exhibiting the worst features of corrupt evil frowns not upon the nefarious system.

The propagators of the system stand silently by, with government “priests” prophesying falsely and the people love to have it so. The popular and public opinion is stronger than the Law. The colonialist and racist have stretch their dark and evil wings over the land. We cannot be more oppressed than we have been ……. we cannot suffer greater cruelty than we have already suffered.

“Volenti non fit injuria”. No wrong is done to one who consent.


The most powerful effort to attain any desire end is purpose. Reason and cause are inseparable. The evolution of the African continuity must be greater than that of Nation States if the purpose is to have Continental Sovereignty. The ambiguous character of Nation States tied to Chinese and European colonial energy must be analyzed and evaluated. No meaningful effort or purpose can take place when colonial appropriation of language, belief and ideas leading to the abandonment of Continental Sovereignty. Subordinate or inferior authority places the African again as the “dark” continent.

These experiences attacks Our people primarily based on color. The position encompasses race within the values, customs, mores, traits, traditions and characteristics of “whiteness”. Deeply rooted in the culture and tradition of the American fabric is “whiteness” considered acceptable, which is detrimental to the healthy development of Our people. Our inability to transcend the internalization of being one of them ie ‘affinity’ to “whiteness” is the precursor to Our insecurity, fear and low self-esteem.

Every day people sing a simple song, look for the light. “Thou art the light, let the light shine”. “This little light of mine I am going let it shine”!!! The sacred divine spark of electric magnetic energy, *light*, is the source of divine intelligence, also known as GOD.

The Imego Dei……. In The Image of God. I am ‘god’ appearing as Walter Beach III. The peace of God is at the center of My being. I am conscious of this peace. I am surrounded by this peace. I enter on to this peace. This peace moves out for Me in all directions, it heals everything that it contacts. There is nothing but peace. I rejoice in this peace. I permit this peace to enter My soul, fill Me with calm and inspire Me with confidence. I know that this peace goes before Me and makes perfect, plain and straight My way.

The mastery of self transcends any particular art. It stems from the ability to be disciplined and in complete control of one’s actions. Be at peace with self and in harmony with the universe. God has appointed a remedy for all evil, that is a contented spirit. So you see, freedom is mine!!! I ask no permission from others to Be!!! Personal Sovereignty is Conscious, Rational, Responsible Agency.

Without critical analysis one cannot function in the full *light* of integrity as a human being. Without critical analysis there can be no Self-respect. Without critical analysis there can be no Self-defense, no courage, no Justice, no peace and no progress.

“I apologize for being Black. All I am plus all I lack. I apologize because I bear resemblance most Black people share, thick lips, flat nose and nappy hair”.

Time is running out for a peaceful solution. Armed only with love is not the solution. There is a time for love and there’s a time for recognizing and acknowledging hopeless situations.

Wisdom from the Bible, Quran, Upanishad, Bhagavad-Gita, Talmud, Torah {Pentateuch and Haftorahs}, settles for Me, My philosophy. Simply stated by Eden Ahbez “The greatest thing, you will ever learn, is just to Love and Be Loved in return”. Look what Love has done to Me!

The Peace of God is at the center of My being. I am conscious of this Peace. I enter into this Peace. I am surrounded by this Peace. This Peace moves out for Me in all directions. It heals everything it contacts. There is nothing but Peace. I rejoice in this Peace. I permitted this Peace to enter My Soul and fill Me with confidence. I know that this Peace goes before Me and makes perfect, plain and strait My way.

True mastery transcends any particular art, it stems from the mastery of one’s self, the ability to be disciplined and in complete control of one’s actions. Be at Peace with self and in harmony with the Universe. God has appointed a remedy for all evil, that is a contented spirit. Be at Peace with self and in harmony with the Universe.

Ola Webb, Beach, Paige Granny “The only thing you can do to eradicate “evil” is to n

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